We invite you to send your message now to schedule in advance.
- VIL is looking forward to working with you soon -
VIL / Villains In Love
has a strong 10+ year history of providing 3D modeling/3D printing support to businesses, cosplayers, artists, and individuals - all from diverse backgrounds and with different needs.
➞ Thinking of making a custom pendant?
➞ Need a unique cosplay accessory you cannot find anywhere else?
➞ What about a custom prop for your next event/film/project?
VIL is ready to help by creating your completely custom product either for individual use or bulk order. 3D printing provides ample possibilities and VIL is ready to help build your ideas.
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While VIL has been in business for 10+ years, VIL’s 3D artist has been creating 3D models for over 20 years (and is actively working as Lead Destruction Artist at Sony's Santa Monica Studios creating the next God of War).
With professional experience like this, VIL knows exactly how to create top quality custom models efficiently for 3D printing.
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CUSTOM 3D Models/Prints
VIL is a small family business and highly subject to availability.
We are a business which strongly believes in honest and open communications.
For custom orders, VIL gives priority and discounts to businesses and repeat customers.
(1) VIL will not be able to accept every custom order request we recieve.
VIL strongly believes in open communication and will provide specific details regarding each request received.
(2) creating custom models requires ample communication from both parties (VIL and buyer). Please be ready to respond to emails throughout the creation process. Lack of communication results in a delayed turnaround time.
VIL charges a flat rate of $55 per hour; an outstanding price you will not find from another artist of this caliber. The more complex an idea, the more hours will be needed. Simple ideas are the most cost efficient. VIL may provide either:
1. the 3D model file (.OBJ, file type),
2. a 3D printed version.
* If VIL is interested in keeping the 3D model for use in our online store, we will offer a significant discount.
Once VIL receives a custom order request. We will respond with an estimate of the hours expected and costs. (See a sample response below.)
[PAYMENT FOR 3D MODELING] Buyer payments for 3D modeling services are split into two; ½ at start and ½ at finish. If additional hours are later found to be needed (which is incredibly rare, and more likely to occur if a buyer requests changes), VIL will communicate the adjustments and await confirmation from buyer before proceeding.
[PAYMENT FOR 3D FILE & 3D PRINT] If purchasing the 3D model file and/or the 3D print, payments for these are separate from 3D modeling costs and are to be paid for in full, after the 3D model is completed. Note the 3D printing process is to be done by a 3rd party, Shapeways (VIL's exclusive 3D printing partner).
ALL VIL custom order payments are processed via PayPal only.
Video game character mask, seen above. Size needed 8x9 inches.
Hours Estimated: 2
Estimated Payment for 3D Modeling Services: $110
(2 hours x $55 rate = $110)
Payment Amounts for 3D Modeling: At start $55 and $55 at completion.
Estimated Cost for .OBJ 3D model file: $50
(price will vary depending on the complexity of the model/project, will be paid at the end of the project if purchasing the 3D model file.)
3D Printing *ESTIMATE* (includes shipping): Material-Steel, $100
(please note this cost will be a ballpark estimate and will vary. We cannot provide an actual cost for 3D printing until the model is 100% complete).
for 3D modeling, 3D file, and 3D print: $270
for 3D modeling and 3D print: $220
for 3D modeling and 3D file: $160
If interested in a custom order, please fill out the form below and include the following information below. Alternatively, we can be emailed directly at VIL3DModels@gmail.com,but please be sure to include the below information.
[All photos must be sent to our email].
- The desired size of your model in inches.
Length x Width x Height (circumference, if applicable). - Reference images.
Any drawings, links, sketches, and photos. Front views, side views, back views. The more photos, the better. This is a must for a visual reference. (this feature is not available in the form below, please be sure to email photos to VIL3D.com@Gmail.com) - Expected turnaround time.
When do you need this order by? Please keep in mind, the 3D printing process alone may take up to 30 days. -
If 3D printing is needed, what material are you interested in?
VIL normally works with metals and plastics.
Expected budget for the complete project.
⛧ We kindly ask for up to 72 hours to review the details of your request and respond. ⛧
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VIL aspires to work with other businesses and aims to create mutually beneficial outcomes. As a growing business ourselves, we understand the need for honest and profitable communications. VIL offers other businesses special discounts and conditions not available to the public.
"When the villages work together, we will turn this world around."